
By The Numbers

Since 1985, BlueHub Capital has invested over $2.8 billion — and leveraged over $14.6 billion — to connect people and communities with resources and capital.


In wealth put back into the community by our foreclosure relief lending


Patients receiving care in state-of-the-art healthcare facilities


Units of affordable housing built, preserved or enhanced


Jobs created or retained


Children served in early education and daycare facilities


Students served at high-quality schools and youth programs


Tons of CO2 emissions avoided by our solar arrays and electric vehicle pilot program


Foreclosure-related evictions prevented


Loans provided to immigrants seeking citizenship

Cumulative Investment by Product Type

(as of 12/31/2023)

Circle graph showing cumulative investment by product type. Total: $2.6+ Billion. New Market Tax Credits: $543M. Commercial Real Estate: $134M+. Health Care Facilities: $59M+. BlueHub Energy Projects: $40M+. Other (Includes Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Social Services, Organizational Loans) $61M+. Residential Mortgage Loans: $200M+. Childcare, Schools, and Youth Facilities: $383M+. Double Bottom Line Businesses: $28M+. Affordable Housing, Supportive Housing, and Shelters: $1.4B+. Consumer Loans for Immigration Fees: $749,905.

* NMTC Investment by Product Type: Sustainable Forestry: $338,696,390; Manufacturing: $102,000,000; Education: $31,789,474; Commercial Real Estate: $30,814,136; Renewable Energy**: $18,700,000; Healthcare: $8,000,000; Community Facilities: $13,000,000; TOTAL: $543,000,000

** BlueHub Energy projects are funded in part by BlueHub Capital New Markets Tax Credits and BlueHub Loan Fund lending.

Assets Under Management

(as of 12/31/2023)

Line graph showing a growing amount of assets under management over the years 2013 to 2023. Starting at just under $900 Million in 2013 and growing to just over $1.35 Billion in 2023.

Since 2005, BlueHub has operated on a self-sufficient basis.
2023 self-sufficiency ratio: 110%

Cumulative Dollars Invested

(as of 12/31/2023)

Growth chart showing BlueHub cumulative dollars invested from 2013 to 2023.