BlueHub Capital
2023 Annual Report
“We will either find a way or make a way.”
Dr. Aisha Francis
President & CEO of Franklin Cummings Tech

Letter to our


One of my favorite mantras is “she who frames, wins.” As I reflect on recent history, I would add: “she who evolves, moves ahead.”

Evolution is how a longstanding nonprofit like BlueHub stays relevant. Effective organizations evolve to meet the changing needs of the communities they serve — a core value that’s guided our organization since its founding in 1985. In an ever-changing and complex world, innovation and evolution are critical to BlueHub’s success.

Read the full letter
Elyse D. Cherry
CEO, BlueHub Capital

Advocating for

Immigrant Inclusion

An ally to immigrants, One Percent for America is opening new paths to citizenship at the speed and scale necessary to drive systemic change.


Visionary Development

As our borrowers innovate to address some of the nation’s most intractable problems, BlueHub Loan Fund brings flexible capital, deep expertise and a thoughtful approach.

Responding to a

Cyclical Housing Market

As housing markets shift, BlueHub SUN meets homeowner needs and forestalls foreclosures.

Innovating for

Environmental Equity

New technologies continually advance climate resiliency — and BlueHub Energy keeps environmental justice communities in the forefront of both practice and policy.


by the Numbers

*As of 12/31/2023
See 2023 BlueHUb Statistics

Units of affordable housing built, preserved or enhanced


Loans provided to immigrants seeking citizenship


Foreclosure-related evictions prevented

See 2023 BlueHUb Statistics

Cumulative Lending/
Investment by State

*As of 12/31/2023
> $100M
< $1M


BlueHub Capital

BlueHub Capital invests in people and communities for an inclusive future. We finance affordable housing, childcare facilities, schools, health centers and community facilities that create jobs, services and opportunities for low-income people and communities; help families facing foreclosure stay in their homes; provide cost-effective access to renewable energy; support the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the communities we serve; and remove financial barriers to US citizenship.

See our List of 2023 Partners
Our mission is to build healthy communities where low-income people live and work.